A kangaroo short in the top paddock
not very smart, mentally challenged
Av a go ya mug!
keep trying, try harder
Flat out like a lizard drinking
very busy
Happy little vegemite
content and happy
Just down the road a bit
a distance that can vary between 20 metres and 200 km
Mad as a cut snake
furious, very angry
May your chooks turn to emus and kick your dunny down
go away and may terrible things happen to you
No worries, mate!
no need to worry about anything, everything will be just great
Round up your mates
call your friends to join you for a group outing
She'll be right!
expression used when you keep doing what you're doing even though it looks like it will fail completely.
Spit the dummy
get very upset and have a tantrum
Useful as tits on a bull
most unhelpful person or thing